The Jalape~ No Dynamic Optimizing Compiler for Java Tm
interpretation Loop: Parse bytecode Update state Rectify state with Successor basic blocks Main Initialization Choose basic block from set Figure 4: Overview of BC2IR algorithm of optional auxiliary information, such as reaching de nition sets, a data dependence graph, or an encoding of the procedure's loop nesting structure. 5 Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler Front-end The front-end contains two parts: (1) the BC2IR algorithm that translates bytecodes to HIR and performs on-they optimizations during the translation, and (2) additional optimizations performed on the HIR after BC2IR. This section contains a description of the BC2IR algorithm with bytecode to HIR translation outlined in Section 5.1, and on-they optimizations summarized in Section 5.2. Examples of optimizations that are performed on the HIR can be found later in Section 7. 5.1 The BC2IR Algorithm Figure 4 shows an overview of the BC2IR algorithm. The algorithm contains two parts: (1) the Main Loop that selects a basic block (BB) from a worklist, called the basic block set (BBSet) and (2) the Abstract Interpretation Loop that interprets bytecodes within a BB. The algorithm maintains a symbolic state during the translation process, which corresponds to abstract values of stack operands and local variables.4 The initial state of a BB is the symbolic state of the machine at the start of the BB. Initially, certain candidate BBs that can be put in the BBSet are identi ed (for example, the BB beginning at bytecode 0 with an empty initial stack or exception handler blocks). 4Abstract values of local variables are needed during on-they optimizations. class t1 { static float foo(A a, B b, float c1, float c3) { float c2 = c1/c3; return(c1*a.f1 + c2*a.f2 + c3*b.f1); } } Figure 5: An example Java program After the initial BBSet is identi ed, BC2IR enters the main loop, and selects a BB such that its initial state is fully known and no HIR has been generated for it. For each BB, the bytecode in it is abstractly interpreted, the current state is updated, and new BBs may be generated. The BBs thus generated will be added to the BBSet. During this phase the compiler constructs the CFG and performs other analyses and optimizations. The abstract interpretation process essentially interprets the bytecodes based on the Java bytecode speci cation de ned in [29]. Bytecodes that pass Java veri cation have an important property that we exploit: \When there are two execution paths into the same point, they must arrive there with exactly the same type state" [4]. At a control ow join, the values of stack operands may di er on di erent incoming edges, but the types of these operands must match. An element-wise meet operation is used on the stack operands to update the symbolic state [38]. When a backward branch whose target is the middle of an already-generated basic block is encountered, the basic block is split at that point. If the stack is not empty at the start of the split BB, the basic block must be regenerated because the initial states may be incorrect. The initial state of a BB may also be incorrect due to as-of-yet-unseen control ow joins. To minimize the number of a times HIR is generated for a BB a simple greedy algorithm is used for selecting BBs in the main loop. When selecting a BB to generate the HIR, the BB with the lowest starting bytecode index is chosen. This simple heuristic relies on the fact that, except for loops, all controlow constructs are generated in topological order, and that the control ow graph is reducible. Surprisingly, for programs compiled with current Java compilers, the greedy algorithm can always nd the optimal ordering in practice.5 Example: Figure 5 shows an example Java source program of class t1, and Figure 6 shows the HIR for method foo of the example. The number on the rst column of each HIR instruction is the index of the bytecode from which 5The optimal order for basic block generation that minimizes number of regeneration is a topological order (ignoring the back edges). However, because BC2IR computes the control ow graph in the same pass, it cannot compute the optimal order a priori. the instruction is generated. Before compiling class t1, we compiled and loaded class B, but not class A. As a result, the HIR instructions for accessing elds of class A, bytecode indices 7 and 14 in Figure 6, are getfield unresolved, while the HIR instruction accessing a eld of class B, bytecode index 21, is a regular getfield instruction. Also notice that there is only one null check instruction that covers both getfield unresolved instructions; this is a result of BC2IR's on-they optimizations. 0 LABEL0 B0@0 2 float_div l4(float) = l2(float), l3(float) 7 null_check l0(A, NonNull) 7 getfield_unresolved t5(float) = l0(A), < A.f1> 10 float_mul t6(float) = l2(float), t5(float) 14 getfield_unresolved t7(float) = l0(A, NonNull), < A.f2> 17 float_mul t8(float) = l4(float), t7(float) 18 float_add t9(float) = t6(float), t8(float) 21 null_check l1(B, NonNull) 21 getfield t10(float) = l1(B), < B.f1> 24 float_mul t11(float) = l3(float), t10(float) 25 float_add t12(float) = t9(float), t11(float) 26 float_return t12(float) END_BBLOCK B0@0 Figure 6: HIR of method foo(). l and t are virtual registers for local variables and temporary operands, respectively. 5.2 On-the-Fly Analyses and Optimizations To illustrate our approach to on-they optimizations we consider copy propagation as an example. Java bytecode often contains sequences that perform a calculation and store the result into a local variable (see Figure 7). A simple copy propagation can eliminate most of the unnecessary temporaries. When storing from a temporary into a local variable, BC2IR inspects the most recently generated instruction. If its result is the same temporary, the instruction is modi ed to write the value directly to the local variable instead. Other optimizations such as constant propagation, dead code elimination, register renaming for local variables, method inlining, etc. are performed during the translation process. Further details are provided in [38]. Java bytecode Generated IR Generated IR (optimization off) (optimization on) ---------------------------------------------iload x INT_ADD tint, xint, 5 INT_ADD yint, xint, 5 iconst 5 INT_MOVE yint, tint iadd istore y Figure 7: Example of limited copy propagation and dead code elimination 6 Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler Back-end In this section, we describe the back-end of the Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler. 6.1 Lowering of the IR After high-level analyses and optimizations are performed, HIR is lowered to low-level IR (LIR). In contrast to HIR, the LIR expands instructions into operations that are speci c to the Jalape~ no JVM implementation, such as object layouts or parameter-passing mechanisms of the Jalape~ no JVM. For example, operations in HIR to invoke methods of an object or of a class consist of a single instruction, closely matching the corresponding bytecode instructions such as invokevirtual/invokestatic. These single-instruction HIR operations are lowered (i.e., converted) into multiple-instruction LIR operations that invoke the methods based on the virtualfunction-table layout. These multiple LIR operations expose more opportunities for low-level optimizations. 0 LABEL0 B0@0 2 float_div l4(float) = l2(float), l3(float) (n1) 7 null_check l0(A, NonNull) (n2) 7 getfield_unresolved t5(float) = l0(A), (n3) 10 float_mul t6(float) = l2(float), t5(float) (n4) 14 getfield_unresolved t7(float) = l0(A, NonNull), (n5) 17 float_mul t8(float) = l4(float), t7(float) (n6) 18 float_add t9(float) = t6(float), t8(float) (n7) 21 null_check l1(B, NonNull) (n8) 21 float_load t10(float) = @{ l1(B), -16 } (n9) 24 float_mul t11(float) = l3(float), t10(float) (n10) 25 float_add t12(float) = t9(float), t11(float) (n11) 26 return t12(float) (n12) END_BBLOCK B0@0 Figure 8: LIR of method foo() Example: Figure 8 shows the LIR for method foo of the example in Figure 5. The labels (n1) through (n12) on the far right of each instruction indicate the corresponding node in the data dependence graph shown in Figure 9. 6.2 Dependence Graph Construction We construct an instruction-level dependence graph, used during BURS code generation (Section 6.3), for each basic block that captures register true/anti/output dependences, memory true/anti/output dependences, and control dependences. The current implementation of memory dependences makes conservative assumptions about alias information. Synchronization constraints are modeled by introducing synchronization dependence edges between synchronization operations (monitor enter and monitor exit) and memory reg_true n12 excep reg_true excep reg_true reg_true reg_true control reg_true excep reg_true excep reg_true reg_true n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10 n11 Figure 9: Dependence graph of basic block in method foo() operations. These edges prevent code motion of memory operations across synchronization points. Java exception semantics [29] is modeled by exception dependence edges, which connect di erent exception points in a basic block. Exception dependence edges are also added between register write operations of local variables and exception points in the basic block. Exception dependence edges between register operations and exceptions points need not be added if the corresponding method does not have catch blocks. This precise modeling of dependence constraints allows us to perform more aggressive code generation. Example: Figure 9 shows the dependence graph for the single basic block in method foo() of Figure 5. The graph, constructed from the LIR for the method, shows registertrue dependence edges, exception dependence edges, and a control dependence edge from the rst instruction to the last instruction in the basic block. There are no memory dependence edges because the basic block contains only loads and no stores, and we do not currently model load-load input dependences6 . An exception dependence edge is created between an instruction that tests for an exception (such as null check) and an instruction that depends on the result of the test (such as getfield). 6.3 BURS-based Retargetable Code Generation In this section, we address the problem of using tree-patternmatching systems to perform retargetable code generation after code optimization in the Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler [33]. Our solution is based on partitioning a basic block dependence graph (de ned in Section 6.2) into trees that can be given as input to a BURS-based tree-patternmatching system [15]. Unlike previous approaches to partitioning DAGs for tree-pattern-matching (e.g., [17]), our approach considers partitioning in the presence of memory and exception dependences (not just register-true dependences). 6The addition of load-load memory dependences will be necessary to correctly support the Java memory model for multithreaded programs that contain data races. input LIR: DAG/tree: input grammar (relevant rules): move r2=r0 not r3=r1 and r4=r2,r3 cmp r5=r4,0 if r5,!=,LBL emitted instructions: andc. r4,r0,r1 bne LBL IF CMP AND MOVE r0 0 NOT r1 RULE PATTERN COST ------------1 reg: REGISTER 0 2 reg: MOVE(reg) 0 3 reg: NOT(reg) 1 4 reg: AND(reg,reg) 1 5 reg: CMP(reg,INTEGER) 1 6 stm: IF(reg) 1 7 stm: IF(CMP(AND(reg, 2 NOT(reg)),ZERO))) Figure 10: Example of tree pattern matching for PowerPC We have de ned legality constraints for this partitioning, and developed a partitioning algorithm that incorporates code duplication. Figure 10 shows a simple example of pattern matching for the PowerPC. The data dependence graph is partitioned into trees before using BURS. Then, pattern matching is applied on the trees using a grammar (relevant fragments are illustrated in Figure 10). Each grammar rule has an associated cost, in this case the number of instructions that the rule will generate. For example, rule 2 has a zero cost because it is used to eliminate unnecessary register moves, i.e., coalescing. Although rules 3, 4, 5, and 6 could be used to parse the tree, the pattern matching selects rules 1, 2, and 7 as the ones with the least cost to cover the tree. Once these rules are selected as the least cover of the tree, the selected code is emitted as MIR instructions. Thus, for our example, only two PowerPC instructions are emitted for ve input LIR instructions. Figure 11 shows the MIR for method foo in Figure 5, as generated by our BURS code generator. 6.4 Register Allocation Our register allocator framework supports di erent allocation schemes, according to the available time that can be spent in optimizing a method. We currently employ a linear scan register allocator [32]. The LIR that reaches the register allocator contains two types of symbolic registers: temporaries, obtained from converting stack simulation into registers, and locals, obtained LABEL0 B0@0 2 ppc_fdivs l4(float) = l2(float), l3(float) 7 getfield_unresolved t5(float) = l0(A, NonNull), < A.f1> 10 ppc_fmuls t6(float) = l2(float), t5(float) 14 getfield_unresolved t7(float) = l0(A, NonNull), < A.f2> 17 ppc_fmuls t8(float) = l4(float), t7(float) 18 ppc_fadds t9(float) = t6(float), t8(float) 21 ppc_lfs t10(float) = @{ -16, l1(B, NonNull) } 24 ppc_fmuls t11(float) = l3(float), t10(float) 25 ppc_fadds t12(float) = t9(float), t11(float) 26 return t12(float) END_BBLOCK B0@0 Figure 11: MIR of method foo() with virtual registers from Java locals speci ed in the bytecode. We give higher priority to allocating physical registers to those temporaries whose live range does not span a basic block. The linear scan algorithm is not based on graph coloring, but allocates registers to variables in a single linear-time scan of the variables' live ranges in a greedy fashion. This algorithm is several times faster than algorithms based on graph coloring, and results in code that is almost as e cient as that obtained using more complex allocators [32]. Example: The virtual registers, used by MIR, will be converted into physical registers by the register allocator, as shown in Figure 12. The output of the register allocator also includes prologues and epilogues at the beginning and end of each method, as shown in the gure. Note that no null check instructions appear in the MIR; this is because the Jalape~ no JVM's object model allows null-pointer exceptions to be caught without the need for explicit checking. 0 LABEL0 B0@0 0 ppc_stwu FP(int), @{-24, FP(int) } 0 ppc_ldi R0(int) = 4021 0 ppc_stw R0(int), @{ 4, FP(int) } 0 ppc_mfspr R0(int) = LR(int) 0 ppc_stw R0(int), @{ 32, FP(int) } 2 ppc_fdivs F3(float) = F1(float), F2(float) 7 getfield_unresolved F4(float) = R3(A, NonNull), < A.f1> 10 ppc_fmuls F1(float) = F1(float), F4(float) 14 getfield_unresolved F4(float) = R3(A, NonNull), < A.f2> 17 ppc_fmuls F3(float) = F3(float), F4(float) 18 ppc_fadds F1(float) = F1(float), F3(float) 21 ppc_lfs F3(float) = @{ -16, R4(B, NonNull) } 24 ppc_fmuls F2(float) = F2(float), F3(float) 25 ppc_fadds F1(float) = F1(float), F2(float) 0 ppc_lwz R0(int) = @{ 32, FP(int) } 0 ppc_mtspr LR(int) = R0(int) 0 ppc_addi FP(int) = FP(int), 24 26 ppc_blr LR(int) END_BBLOCK B0@0 Figure 12: MIR of method foo() with physical registers 6.5 Final Assembly The nal phase of the Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler is the assembly phase that emits the binary executable code of an opt-compiled method into an instruction array of int. The assembly phase also nalizes the exception table and the stack map of the instruction array, by converting o sets in the IR to o sets in the machine code. The handle of the optimized instruction array, a Java array reference, is stored into a eld of the object instance for the method. In addition to the baseline compiled instruction array, the object instance of a method can concurrently hold multiple opt-compiled instruction arrays, each of which is specialized based on factors such as the call-site contexts or the values of the parameters. Selection of a particular instruction array to be invoked at a particular invocation site can be made during compile-time when LIR is generated or at the actual invocation time via back patching. 6.6 Generation of Exception Tables and GC Stack-Maps An exception table for an opt-compiled method is constructed during BC2IR using the information in the class le. The entries in the table are in terms of the HIR instructions, and the table is updated as high-level optimizations applied to the HIR result in modi cations in the HIR. The table is also updated as the HIR is converted into LIR, as optimizations are applied to the LIR, and as LIR is converted into MIR (machine-speci c IR). Since di erent activation records on the run-time stack may be generated by methods compiled by di erent compilers (baseline and optimizing), a common interface among compilers is used, making the Jalape~ no exception handler unaware of which compiler is providing this exception table. When a garbage collection occurs, the type-accurate garbage collector needs mapping information describing which registers and stack locations (register spills) hold references (object pointers). As these locations vary among program points, a di erent map could be generated for each program point. However, since garbage collection can only occur at certain prede ned points called GC points, maps are only stored for these points. Jalape~ no employs a common interface among compilers, analogous to the one for exception tables, making the garbage collector unaware of which compiler generates this stack map information. 7 Flow-Insensitive Optimizations Based on pro ling feedback, a dynamic compiler can reserve the most time-consuming optimizations for \hot spots" in the code, and rely on quicker optimizations for other sections. We focus on a few quick, ow-insensitive optimizations here. Fast and e ective ow-sensitive algorithms remain topics for future work. The optimizing compiler performs several types of owinsensitive optimizations. Clearly, when optimizing the HIR or LIR, the compiler can quickly perform transformations local to a basic block, such as local common subexpression elimination and elimination of redundant local exception checks. Furthermore, some semantic expansion transformations of standard Java library classes do not require owsensitive information [39]. To optimize across basic blocks, we can exploit the JVM speci cation which ensures that \Every variable in a Java program must have a value before it is used" [29]. Using this rule, if any variable has only one de nition, then that de nition reaches every use of the variable. For such variables, we can build def-use chains and perform copy propagation and dead code elimination, without any expensive analysis. This technique will conservatively catch many optimization opportunities, but will miss some cases that ow-sensitive analysis would detect. Threads, exceptions, and garbage collection constrain transformations such as code motion, redundancy elimination, loop optimizations, and locality-enhancing optimizations. Our future ow-sensitive optimization algorithms must consider the semantics of these language features. Section 6.2 addressed these issues for modeling exceptions and synchronization when building a data dependence graph. 8 Inline Expansion of Method Calls Our current implementation performs inlining at two stages during the translation process: during front-end BC2IR translation and during HIR optimization. 8.1 Inlining in BC2IR The optimizing compiler performs top-down inlining during BC2IR. To inline a call site, the BC2IR implementation processes the basic blocks of the callee method as if they belong to the caller. This approach has the advantage that the front-end's top-down optimizations, such as constant folding and constant propagation, naturally extend into the inlined method body. Additionally, the front-end translation process automatically links thrown exceptions in the inlined method to catch blocks in the caller. We currently use static code size and depth heuristics to decide whether or not to inline. The top-down on-they inlining hinders the e cacy of static heuristics, since at the time we must decide to inline, we have not yet seen the full call graph. To bypass this limitation, in future work, the controller will make inlining decisions based on pro ling information, and pass an \inlining plan" to BC2IR. Inlining of Java static and nal methods is always safe. Inlining virtual methods presents some complications, and is postponed until the HIR optimization phase, as described next. 8.2 Inlining in HIR Optimization phase During HIR optimization, we wish to perform analysis and transformations based on semantics of some special Java bytecodes, such as monitorenter and new. We preserve these bytecodes during HIR optimization, and expand them into inlined method calls immediately prior to conversion from HIR to LIR. To inline at the HIR level, we generate a new HIR for the inlined call, and patch it into the caller HIR. The patching process updates the control ow graph as necessary, including setting up links from the callee to exception handlers in the caller. Inlining virtual methods is more complicated than inlining static and nal methods. We currently inline selected virtual methods during HIR optimization, predicting the receiver of a virtual call to be the declared type of the object, and rely on static bytecode-size heuristics. We guard each inlined virtual method with a run-time conditional test to verify that the receiver is predicted correctly, and default to a normal virtual method invocation if it is not. In future work, we will examine guards with run-time trap instructions, which may run faster on current processors for correct predictions, but necessitate more complex and costly recovery for incorrectly predicted methods (see Section 10.3). 9 Performance Results 9.1 Implementation Status As shown in Figure 1, the Jalape~ no Adaptive Optimization System consists of three major subsystems: Online Measurements (OLM), Controller, and Optimizing Compiler. To date, our main implementation focus has been the Optimizing Compiler subsystem. Our initial implementation of the optimizing compiler targets the PowerPC and correctly supports all JVM bytecodes, including support for exceptions and threads. For the experimental results reported below, a conservative non-copying garbage collector was used because the optimizing compiler's generation of GC stack-maps is not yet robust enough to run all of the larger benchmarks. Although a prototype version of the OLM subsystem has been built, work on the controller subsystem is still in the design phases. Therefore, the optimizing compiler can currently only be invoked as either a static compiler or dynamically by the Jalape~ no JVM class loader to optimize all methods of all dynamically loaded classes. 9.2 Experimental Methodology The performance results in this section were obtained on an IBM F50 Model 7025 with four 166MHz PPC604e processors running AIX v4.3. The system has 1GB of main memory. Each processor has split 32KB rst-level instruction and data caches and a 256KB second-level cache. Because of the incomplete implementation of the Controller and OLM subsystems, in this paper we only present results for time spent in program execution; time spent in dynamic compilation was not instrumented or measured. In the next subsection, we compare results using the following four Java environments: JDK w/o JIT: The IBM enhanced port of the Sun JDK 1.1.6 interpreter (without the JIT). JDK w/ JIT: The IBM enhanced port of the Sun JDK 1.1.6 with v3.0 of the IBM JIT compiler [23]. This product compiler performs an extensive set of optimizations, including inlining of math library methods, virtual methods, recursive calls, eld privatization, constant propagation, dead store elimination, elimination of redundant numerical type-casts, elimination of redundant exception checks, common subexpression elimination, optimized loop generation, register allocation, and instruction scheduling. Jalape~ no Baseline: The Jalape~ no Virtual Machine con gured to use the Jalape~ no Baseline Compiler as a JIT for all classes dynamically loaded by the application. Jalape~ no Optimizer: The Jalape~ no Virtual Machine con gured to use the Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler as a JIT for all classes dynamically loaded by the application. The following optimizations were performed: inlining of static and nal methods, semantic inlining of selected library routines, limited static class prediction to safely inline virtual methods, linear scan register allocation, limited constant propagation, type propagation, unreachable code elimination, local common subexpression elimination, ow-insensitive copy propagation and dead code elimination, and local redundant bounds check elimination. In both Jalape~ no con gurations, the \boot image" containing the Jalape~ no JVM itself was created by using the Jalape~ no Optimizing Compiler as a static compiler performing all the optimizations listed above. Test JDK Jalapeno JDK Jalapeno w/o JIT Baseline w/ JIT Optimizer BSort 77.19 34.26 3.20 3.94 Bi BSort 67.93 30.49 2.32 3.10 Qsort 15.27 6.10 1.11 0.78 Sieve 11.47 4.74 0.34 0.42 Hanoi 17.84 7.90 1.00 1.54 Dhrystone 7.12 2.33 0.65 0.68 Tree 9.87 14.49 2.44 3.40 Fibonacchi 20.23 11.58 1.75 0.98 Array 4.95 10.15 1.01 0.84 Compress 85.67 46.08 5.86 7.23 DB 7.18 3.89 1.73 2.94 Javac 7.52 4.21 2.29 7.63 Jack 31.36 23.46 7.06 10.54 Table 1: Execution times (seconds) 9.3 Micro-benchmark Programs To evaluate code quality, Figure 13 and Table 1 compare the performance on these four Java environments for nine microbenchmarks developed by Symantec Corporation. For the micro-benchmarks, we report the mean wall-clock execution time for the last ten of eleven runs; standard deviations were negligible. The results show that on three of the nine tests (QSort, Fibonacci, Array), the optimizing compiler delivers better performance than the product JIT compiler. This is encouraging because the product JIT compiler performs many more optimizations than the current implementation of the optimizing compiler. Performance on Dhrystone is roughly equivalent, and on the remaining ve tests the optimizing compiler performance is within a factor of 1.6 of the product JIT compiler. 9.4 Macro-Benchmark Programs To evaluate system performance on medium-sized benchmarks, we present performance results on several codes from the SPECjvm98 suite [14]. The system currently runs four of the seven tests ( 201 compress, 209 db, 213 javac, 228 jack); the others do not yet run due to incomplete library support. We ran the tests using the SPEC driver program, congured to run each test between two and four times, and report the best wall-clock time. This methodology factors out compile-time. We run the benchmarks using the SPEC problem size parameter set to 10, for medium-size input parameters. Note that these results do not follow the o cial SPEC reporting rules, and therefore should not be treated as o cial SPEC results. Figure 13 and Table 1 show the results in the four Java environments enumerated above. The results show that the current optimizing compiler runs these codes between 1.2 to BSort Bi BSort QSort Sieve Hanoi Dhrystone Tree Fibonacci Array Compress DB Javac Jack 0 20 40 60 80 Ti m e ( se cs ) JDK w/o JIT Jalapeno Baseline JDK w/ JIT Jalapeno Optimzing Figure 13: Execution time (in seconds) for micro and macro benchmarks 3.3 times slower than the product JIT. We believe that the performance inversion of the Jalape~ no Baseline and Optimizing con gurations for javac can be attributed to performance problems in the conservative GC subsystem. Given the current immature state of our JVM and compiler, we are encouraged that our performance is within an order of magnitude of the best current commercial technology. These results suggest that with much more tuning and further optimization, a JVM written entirely in Java may achieve performance competitive with a state-of-the-art JVM implemented in C. 10 Interprocedural Optimizations | Extensions to Current Implementation This section describes two interprocedural optimizations that are in progress as extensions to the current implementation | interprocedural optimization of register saves and restores (Section 10.1), and interprocedural escape analysis (Section 10.2). In addition, Section 10.3 discusses issues related to interprocedural optimization in the presence of dynamic class loading. 10.1 Interprocedural Optimization of Register Saves and Restores To optimize register saves and restores at call sites [12, 34], we rst perform interprocedural register usage analysis. Interprocedural register usage is a backward analysis performed over the call graph of a program to determine the register requirements across method boundaries. Without interprocedural analysis, all caller save registers have to be saved and restored at call sites even if they are not used in callee methods. For interprocedural analysis we rst construct a call graph of all methods that are compiled by the optimizing compiler. The call graph accommodates virtual method call sites. We then process the methods in the call graph in reverse topological order.7 The analysis assumes that registers are allocated contiguously, starting from the rst available register. For each method we rst compute the number of registers used intraprocedurally. This information is propagated back to caller(s) of the method. The value at each node gives the number of registers that have to be saved and restored at each call site which invokes that node. If the callee is compiled with the baseline compiler, then we propagate ? to the caller (? indicates that all live caller save registers have to be saved and restored at that call site). In the presence of cycles, we can either compute a xed point or propagate ?. [6] A B C D E F G H baseline compiler compiled using 3 6 4 3 3 2 6 [6] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [3] Figure 14: An example for interprocedural register saves and restores To illustrate our approach consider the call graph shown in Figure 14. The numbers on the left of each node correspond to the register requirements within each method (computed intraprocedurally). The numbers enclosed in square brackets are the register requirements computed during our 7We ignore the back edges while determining the topological order. backward interprocedural analysis. The meet of two valuesis the maximum value of the two values, and meet of a ?with any value is a ?.10.2 Escape AnalysisEscape analysis is a technique for determining whether anobject that is created in a method may escape a call to themethod. The most well-known application of escape analysisis to allocate non-escaping objects on the stack instead of theheap. This leads to (i) reduced overheads of object allocationand deallocation (i.e., garbage collection, for languages thatsupport it), and (ii) usually, improved data locality [6]. Inthe context of Java, escape analysis can also be used to iden-tify objects that are local to a thread. This leads to anotherimportant bene t { reduced synchronization overhead, as wecan eliminate the locking operations on thread-local objects.We have developed several algorithms for performing es-cape analysis. Among them, we have implemented an ap-proach based on a connection graph abstraction, in the con-text of a static compiler to evaluate its potential bene ts.Our results are encouraging, especially for reducing syn-chronization overheads [11]. We are currently implementingescape analysis in the Jalape~no Optimizing Compiler.10.3 Handling Dynamic Class LoadingInterprocedural optimizations and those optimizations thatdepend on the structure of the class inheritance graph canbecome invalid in the presence of dynamic class loading.When an optimization applied to a method becomes invalidin this manner, all optimized versions of the method cur-rently on the call stack must be replaced. One option isto replace them by the unoptimized version of the method.We maintain a \resolution dependence graph" during theoptimization phase that indicates which methods could bea ected when a new class is loaded.Consider the interprocedural optimization of register savesand restores described in Section 10.1. Assume, for example,that a new class can be loaded at the point where C is called(in Figure 14). Also, assume that we have a new call C'in place of C. Methods C', B, and A are a ected. Nowassume that the intraprocedural register requirement for C'is 6. Only the register requirement of C' is a ected, sincethe register requirement of B is already 6. In summary, weessentially incrementally update only a ected nodes. Forthis purpose we can use techniques from incremental dataow analysis and compilation [7, 26].The invalidation mechanism for dynamic class loadinghas not yet been implemented.11 Related WorkDynamic compilation, also called dynamic translation orjust-in-time compilation, has been a key ingredient in a num-ber of previous implementations of object-oriented languages.Deutsch and Schi man's high performance implementationof Smalltalk-80 dynamically translated Smalltalk bytecodesto native code [16]; their compiler was quite similar to ourbaseline compiler. Implementations of the Self languagealso relied on dynamic compilation to achieve high perfor-mance [8]. All three generations of Self compilers utilizedregister-based intermediate representations that are roughlyequivalent to the one used by the Jalape~no Optimizing Com-piler. Recently, a number of just-in-time compilers have beendeveloped for the Java language [2]. Some of these compilerstranslate bytecodes to a three-address code, perform simpleoptimizations and register allocation, and then generate tar-get machine code.A number of previous systems have utilized more spe-cialized forms of dynamic compilation to selectively optimizeprogram hot spots by exploiting \run-time constants" [13,5, 31, 19]. In general, these systems emphasize extremelyfast dynamic compilation, often performing extensive o -lineprecomputations to avoid constructing any explicit represen-tation of the program fragment being compiled at dynamiccompile-time.Implementing a Java virtual machine and its related sub-system (including the optimizer) in Java opens several chal-lenges. Taivalsaari [36] also describes a \Java in Java" imple-mentation to examine the feasibility of a high quality virtualmachine written in Java. One drawback of this approach isthat it runs on another Java virtual machine, which addsperformance overhead because of the two-level interpretationprocess. Our approach avoids the need for another JVMby bootstrapping the system. Compared to Taivalsaari'ssystem we have also implemented several optimizations toimprove the performance of the overall system and Javaapplications.A large collection of work addresses optimizations spe-ci c to object-oriented languages, such as class analysis,both intraprocedural [10] and interprocedural (see relatedwork in [20]), class hierarchy analysis and optimizations [37,35], receiver class prediction [16, 21, 9], method special-ization [37], and call graph construction (see related workin [20]). Other optimizations relevant to Java include boundscheck elimination [30] and semantic inlining [39]. 12 Conclusions and Future WorkThe use of Java in many important server applications de-pends on the availability of a JVM that supports e cientexecution of such applications on server machines. Jalape~nois one such JVM. Our ability to correctly execute a widerange of large Java programs has validated the soundnessof Jalape~no's compile-only approach to program execution.In addition, our preliminary performance results show that,even with its current limited set of optimizations, the Jalape~noOptimizing Compiler is capable of delivering performancethat is comparable to the performance delivered by a production-strength JIT compiler. The fact that the Jalape~no run-timesystem (and the rest of the JVM) is implemented in Javamakes this achievement all the more remarkable. To thebest of our knowledge, the Jalape~no Optimizing Compiler isthe rst dynamic optimizing compiler for Java that is beingused in a JVM with a compile-only approach to programexecution.There are many challenging directions for future researchbased on the Jalape~no Optimizing Compiler. In the areaof optimizations, we already described two interproceduraloptimizations in Section 10 that are currently in progress.In addition, we have begun work on ow-sensitive optimiza-tions using Array SSA form [27, 28] and context-sensitivepro le-directed inlining of method calls based on the CallingContext Graph.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank other past and present members ofthe Jalape~no JVM team | Bowen Alpern, Dick Attanasio,John Barton, Perry Cheng, Anthony Cocchi, Brian Cooper,Susan Hummel, Derek Lieber, Vassily Litvinov, Mark Mer-gen, Ton Ngo, Igor Pechtchanski, Jim Russell, Janice Shep-herd, Steve Smith, Peter Sweeney | for their contributionsin building the rest of the JVM and for various suggestionsin the design of the Jalape~no Optimizing Compiler. We alsothank Laureen Treacy for her proofreading assistance.References[1] A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J.D. Ullman. Compilers: Principles,Techniques, and Tools. 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تاریخ انتشار 1999